Hi and Welcome to all!

Psycho-energetic therapist, coach, conference spreaker and geobiologist, I am a medium and healer by birth and originally from Quebec. I now live in Bretagne.

We are all different and yet similar.

According to our perception, We see the different periods of our life we go through as happy, unhappy or other .

Your body hurts somewhere?  Are you having trouble dealing with negative patterns coming back in your life?  Are you questioning your actual life? Are you feeling disturbances in your life?

I offer you a (global) accompaniment and help appropriate for each one. I help you through the different steps of your life path, to understand, relieve and solve your psychological and physical pains as well as umbalances in your living space (geobiology).

According to the need of each one, I am guided to use the best technique / method for your well-being. Whether it is psychic techniques, magnetism, EFT, global energy healing, awareness, you receive whatever you need to receive during a session!

Our body is talking to us when we feel pain, how do we understand its message and recover health?

Beeing conscious, self body staying and Loving ourselfs for Life!