Group counselling / session

Group counselling / session

Group conselling can take various forms like training workshops, conferences or simply chanelling the group’s guides’ messages to each one. The dynamic is different from individual conselling and brings various learnings.

Different occasions:

Party / Office meeting;
Festive meal with friends;

For employees of your company or privately with friends, it’s possible to structure an interesting and fufilling project. The lenght can vary from half a day to a weekend depending on the project.

If you’re interested in organizing a special event/party wanting to include a different aspect, it is possible for me to participate and do mini-consellings, card drawing, other for your guests during the event.

The different types of services:

  • Conferences and workshops;
  • Proposed or chosen topic;
  • Spontaneous channeling during the lecture / workshop;
  • Teachings;
  • Answers to your questions about your path;
  • Others…


If you have a group that would like to take a workshop on a particular topic, it is possible for me to organize, travel and facilitate it.

Contact me for more information.

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